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KMMK-G Interim Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Kurdistan of Iran
1st January to 30 November, 202

This report provides up-to-date data and analysis on the situations of human rights in the Iranian Kurdistan-majority provinces of Iran from January 1 until November 30, 2023, with an especial focus on the recent crackdowns in Iranian Kurdistan provinces following the murder of Jina (Mahsa) Amini by Tehran’s morality police.

KMMK-G Summary Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Kurdistan of Iran for the period: 1st January to May 22nd. 2023

This report provides up-to-date data and analysis on the situations of human rights in Kurdistan of Iran from January 1, 2023 until May 23rd, 2023, prepared for the attention of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situations of human rights in Iran, OHCHR, FFMI, UN agencies, media, governments and public attention.

KMMK-G Summary Report on Executions in Iran from January 1 to February 26, 2023

According to the data collected by the Kurdistan Human Rights Association-Geneva (KMMK-G), from January 1 to February 26, 2023, one hundred-three (103) prisoners were executed in Iran.1

KMMK-G Summary Report on Executions in Iran from January 1 to February 26, 2023 Iran: Kurdish Share of Executions in January & February 2023

Arbitrary Detentions of four members of Nawjin Socio-Cultural Association

Since mid-October 2022, four members of Kurdish cultural NGO the Nawjin Socio-Cultural Association have been detained arbitrarily and without prior warrant by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Save Saman Yasin

The KMMK-G’ s condemns unfair and unlawful sentencing of Saman Yasin to “moharebeh” and calls on the United Nations to take urgent action to stop his execution.

2022 Interim Report

This report provides up-to-date data and analysis on the situations of human rights in Kurdistan of Iran from January 1, 2022 until September 30th, 2022, prepared for the attention
of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situations of human rights in Iran, OHCHR, UN agencies, media, governments and public attention.

Recent protests and crackdowns in Iranian Kurdistan

This summary report provides up-to-date data on the current situation of unrest in four Kurdish majority populated provinces of Ilam, Kermanshah (Kermashan), Kurdistan (Sine) and Western Azerbaijan (Wermê) for the period of 16 September until 15 October 2022. It sheds light on the number of Kurdish protestors killed, injured, and detained.

زیر پوست کولبری/ نگاهی به زنان خانواده کولبران در یک تحقیق آماری-کیفی​

در این تحقیق کیفی-آماری بر تاثیر و آسیب چندجانبه پدیده کولبری بر زنان خانواده کولبر پرداخته شده است. خوانشی نو از چگونگی کارکرد پدیده کولبری بر زنانی که با کولبران زندگی می‌کنند و قرارگرفتن در چرخه معیوب کولبری بعنوان ابزار سرکوب و محرومیت ساختگی حکومتی، نقض حقوق انسانی و سبکی از زندگی تروماتیک را بر آنان تحمیل کرده است

باتوجه به‌اینکه وضعیت «این گروه خاص» از زنان را لایه‌های مختلف حقوق‌بشری، اجتماعی و روانی شکل می‌دهد و متاثر از یک امر سیاسی و عدم توسعه سیستماتیک است؛ نتیجه این تحقیق در بخش‌های مختلفی که به شرح زیر است ارائه می‌گردد؛

درباب پدیده کولبری و تاثیر عدم توسعه سیستماتیک و ادامه‌دار بر این زنان

نقض حقوق و عدم حمایت قانونی و حقوقی از این زنان براساس قوانین حکومت ایران

نقض حقوق و عدم حمایت قانونی و حقوقی از این زنان براساس قوانین بین‌المللی

قراردادن ساختاری و سیستماتیک آنها در «سبک زندگی تروماتیک»

زنانی با نقش مراقبت کننده از کولبران بیمار یا نقض عضو شده

به حاشیه‌رفتن مضاعف و انزوای بیشتر این زنان در جامعه

بازنمایی آماریی از تعداد این «گروه خاص» از زنان در جامعه کردستان براساس آمار غیررسمی (آمار غیررسمی کُردپا از کشته و زخمی شدن کولبران در ۱۱سال گذشته)

گزارش کامل این تحقیق را در اینجا بخوانید

گزارش مختصر این تحقیق را در اینجا بخوانید

تهیه‌و تنظیم: اَوین مصطفی‌زاده، کنشگر حقوق بشر و زنان


لینک دو انیمیشن مربوط به کولبران که با همکاری چند هنرمند و موسسه بنیاد پورزند آماده شده: به هر دو زبان کُردی و فارسی


عکس؛ مادر، همسر و دو فرزند کولبر جانباختە سلیمان ابراهیم زادە کە فروردین ١٤٠١ در مرز سردشت با شلیک مستقیم کشتە شد. این عکس شامل نمونەهای تحقیق نیست.

2022 Interim Report

This report provides up-to-date data and analysis on the situation of human rights in Kurdistan of Iran from January 1, 2022 until May 15th, 2022, prepared for the attention of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, UN agencies, media, governments and public attention.

2021 Interim Report

This report provides up-to-date data and analysis on the situation of human rights in Kurdistan of Iran from January 1, 2021 to October 25th, 2021

The Association for Human Rights in Kurdistan - Geneva (KMMK-G) promotes human rights and human dignity for all, in particular for Kurds, as well as for other ethnic and religious minorities in Iran.

2020 Anual Report

This report provides up-to-date data and analysis on the situation of human rights in Kurdistan of Iran from January 1, 2020 until December 31, 2020, prepared for the attention of the OHCHR Iran desk, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, UN agencies, media, governments and public attention. 

2019 Anual Report

his report provides a summary of the situation of human rights in Kurdistan of Iran in the first four months of 2019 (January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019) for the attention of the OHCHR Desk of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran.

2018 Anual Report

This report provides up-to-date data and analysis on the situation of human rights in Kurdistan of Iran from January 1, 2018 until October 31, 2018, prepared for the attention of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, UN agencies, media, governments and public attention. 

2017 Anual Report

This report provides up-to-date data and analysis on the situation of human rights in Kurdistan of Iran from January 1, 2017 until December 31, 2017, prepared for the attention of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, UN agencies, media, governments and public attention.

2016 Anual Report

This report provides a quick overview of the situation of human rights in Kurdistan of Iran in 2016. Furthermore, it delves into issue-specific information and analysis, while highlighting critical forms of human rights violations that Kurdish populations face in Iran. This report specifically addresses executions, political prisoners, indiscriminate killings of Kulbaran.